I've decided to link up with Finding Joy's "ABC's of Thanks!"
Here are my answers
a) Acting! I am participating in the "Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at my local theater soon!
b) Bible and blogging :)
c) Christmas! Oh and the reason for it, Christ! (I should have said that first :)
d) My two great Dads! (The one in heaven and the one on earth.)
e) Elizabeth, my sweet 9 year old sis!
f) family.
g) God! (I'll probably put Him under J and L for... well I won't tell you, you have to read on :)
h) Humming. so random, but... it is my passion (just kidding!) Oh AND Heaven which I SO look forward to
i) ummm.. igloos? Just kidding, hmm..
j) Jesus!
k) knights, no seriously! For writing in school we are writing about Middle Ages things like knights, queens, etc. So... writing wouldn't be so fun without.. knights!
l) Lord!
m) Mom! I love you mom! You'll read this someday and cry :) maybe you'll read it tomorrow, or maybe in 2039!
n) No's..... really no's. Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed and get asked to do participate in TOO many things and I feel grateful that I can say "no" sometimes.
o) Oops, the clothing store. You may not know about this, but you should Google it.. and find one near you! I got this ADORABLE blue corduroy pants that were 10 bucks!
p) Prayer. No comments, just PURE prayer.
q) Quick cars that get me places!
r) red, the color red makes me feel so good inside because it represents Christmas and love!
s) stars, oh how their are so many BEAUTIFUL stars.
t) Tacos, I love tacos!
u)umbrellas, yesterday I realized how umbrellas are such a blessing!
v)very loyal and great friends!
w)wind! This is very good for photoshoots!
x) xylophones and all other musical instruments
y) You all! All of my blog readers!
z) zebras and their beautiful colors!