Favorite season, and why?
Hmm.. probably Summer because there is no school! But, I definitely don't like the July/August part of summer, because where I live, that is when it starts becoming 100+ degrees. Whew....
How would you describe your personal style?
Man, that's hard too! Ummm.. Well, I guess I love wearing pastely things and I absolutely love anything denim! Jean shorts, Jeans, Jean skirt, anything! :D
What's one weird thing you can do? (The stranger the better!)
My thumb and big toe are double jointed. Wish you could see me do it... Maybe I'll make a video of me doing it...... Be expecting that... :)
Rain or shine?
Either, rain means movies and books, shine means water gun fights and tree climbing. I'll take either!
Confession time... what's a flaw of yours?
I am a very bossy sister and I am really working on being less bossy and more nice to my little sister Elizabeth. I yell at her way too much.
Favorite music?
Francesca Batteselli or Tenth Avenue North, not sure..
Have you ever made a decision you instantly regretted? What was it?
Too many to count. The most recent one was when I painted with my favorite shirt on, and I got black (yes, black) paint on it. Boy, thank goodness for strong stain remover...
Who do you admire/look up to?
My mom.
You've just won an unlimited lifetime supply of... what?
Shoes!! Flats, heels, flip flops, I LOVE shoes!
If you were an animal, what would you be?
I think I'd be my cat, I mean because who wouldn't want to be rubbed all day and have as much food as you want and catch lizards! (Okay maybe not the last one...)
If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you do with your time?
I'd go to Paris and Jamaica, I'd give all of my money to missionaries, I'd give most of my clothes to poor children, oh and I've got a good one, I'll write a will! (haha, I don't know if 11 year olds can write wills...)
You're now a gazillionaire... where do you go to spend your money?
I'd buy a Honda Pilot, give 5 million to missionaries, give 8 million to my family, and buy a yatch and a mansion and the remainder would be spend on shoes and clothes!!
Classical music: love it or hate it?
I can tolerate it. The reason I don't hate it is because I feel kinda sorry for some of the composers. (especially Beethoven, imagine composing music while deaf! Talk about perseverance.
Going outside by myself in the dark.
Hop on a plane and go live somewhere for a year... where is it, and why?
It would have to be England
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
Extrovert. I am extremely social, I'd blabber on for months and I am a born leader, even though all of my friends are like 8 months older than me, I always end up leading them around alot and talking and ordering things, ALOT.
Would you/do you perform on stage?
I play piano and have been in 3 plays and I would be in every play possible, but my mom can't take me to rehearsals often at 5:30-8. (my mom's a champ, she did it the whole month of November last year :)