eggnog or hot chocolate?
what is your favorite holiday tradition?
what do you leave for santa?
(I found this cute tag/post on this lovely blog)
hot chocolate. I've never been a fan of eggnog.
"he" just sits them under the tree. :)
colored lights or white lights?
the more color, the better.
do you hang mistletoe?
when do you hang up your holiday decorations?
when we get around to it. LOL :)
what is your favorite holiday dish?
I honestly don't know...
I honestly don't know...
what is your favorite holiday memory from childhood?
getting a robot puppy and it went to the bathroom on the living room carpet. thankfully, it was just water. :)
TOMS and makeup and gift cards.
do you open gifts on christmas eve?
just one present and it is always.. pajamas.
how do you decorate your tree?
with white lights and assorted ornaments.
snow: love it or dread it?
i love snow!
real tree or fake tree?
what's the most important thing about christmas to you?
Jesus and giving gifts and seeing the peoples faces when they open something that i knew they would love.
what is your favorite holiday dessert?
what is your favorite holiday tradition?
i don't know...
what do you put on top of your tree?
do you prefer giving or receiving?
giving. :)
i love them all!
candy canes: yucky or yummy?
they are okay but not my favorite.. too sticky..
favorite christmas movie{s}:
the santa clause, the santa clause 2, the santa clause 3, the santa trap, its a wonderful life.
what do you leave for santa?
hot chocolate and cookies and we sprinkle "reindeer food" (oatmeal mixed with sparkles) on the grass. ;)
do you have a christmas morning tradition?
not really..
online most definitely. but the mall is fun....
christmas letter or christmas card?
(I found this cute tag/post on this lovely blog)