I saw this picture on Pinterest and decided to try this. Here is the outcome:
I think they turned out pretty cute and they are really delicious, too! Here is the recipe that I made up:
Owl Smores
(ingredients are in pink)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Break as many graham crackers as you want in half and lay them out on a cookie sheet.
Put on 2 marshmallows to be the eyes.
Then bake for 3-5 minutes or until the marshmallows kind of puff up.
Then pull them out of the oven and press down the marshmallows until they are kind of flat.
Then dot brown or black icing as eyes.
Then add a jelly bean as the nose.
By the way, Dima (read about him here) arrived one week ago and every thing is going great! Please continue to pray that he will enjoy his "American Christmas" here and that he will feel the peace of Christ.
being silly :)
He loves bike riding!