Hello, this is Anna Katherine wit her 1st Interviews with Anna Katherine. Today joining us will be Amy Hollis from Life Through the Left Window. Okay, here we go...
Anna Katherine: When did you start your blog and why?
Amy Hollis: I really only started my blog because it was summer-just this past summer-and I didn't have anything to do. Now it's become much more worthwhile than at that point.
Anna Katherine: Tell me a little about your blog and what you post about.
Amy Hollis: Well, when I started it was random little things that I now admit really weren't worth reading. I currently blog about my life, my thoughts, and, most often, perhaps, my photography. I'm really thankful for my followers and I hope they enjoy my blog. I'm the type of blogger who will change their background a billion times all together, then stick with one for a while.
AK: What is your favorite part of being on Blogger? (the design, meeting other girls, writing posts, giveaways, etc.)
AH: I think posting is my favorite. As with most bloggers, I really enjoy comments, and I'd say my second favorite thing is reading others' posts and commenting on them!
AK:When did you ask Jesus to be Lord of your life?
AH: I was about four or five. I did it with my oldest sister. I can't really remember much of that time, though it was definitely real!
AK: How was that experience?
AH: As mentioned above, I can scarcely recall doing it, but it has continued to change my life drastically and I'm glad i gave my life to Him at a young age.
AK: What are your siblings' names and ages?
AH: I'd prefer not to tell their names, but on my blog, I {plan} to call my oldest sis (almost 15) Madame Music, the next sister (13) Queen Drama, my brother (11) Mr. James Bond, my other sister (3) Cutie Pie, and my youngest bro (9 months) Monsieur Giggle.
AK: What 3 characteristics do you most strive to have?
AH: Three characteristics? Truthfulness, faith, and cheerfulness.
Go check out Amy Hollis' blog: Life Through the Left Window, she loves followers!!
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