The fact that NOT ONE person has joined my Countdown 2 Christmas is kinda sad.Maybe you didn't join because it's too much, maybe because YOU don't have time. Maybe you looked at it and said "Oh surely some other people will join and it won't matter that I didn't." Just so you know, if ONE person joined it maybe I would feel better. Countdown to Christmas was made to help you remember that...
Who wouldn't want to do something that helps you remember that? Well, I'm not saying you HAVE to join, I'm just saying that it would mean a lot if you would. It's not THAT time consuming, you just read about 6 verses and post a picture of your Christmas tree or what I assigned for that day. Maybe joining this could help when one day the government takes Christmas out of Christmas. When singing O Come All Ye Faithful is illegal and when we don't celebrate CHRISTMAS, we celebrate the HOLIDAYS. Maybe I can send a letter to the White House with the link to how many people joined this and MAYBE that would make a difference.